Restored Failing Dental Implants Gallery - Washington, DC
Restored Failing Dental
Implants Gallery Gallery

Restored Failing Dental Implant Before After Gallery
This dental implant before/after gallery features pictures of dental implants that failed. By restoring the implants with precision-placed dental implants from our in-house lab, you can see the amazing transformations.

Vibrant 87 Year Old Patient from Potomac, MD Wanted Failing Implants Addressed & Better Function
Situation: As a vibrant 87 year old from Potomac, MD wanting better function, Mr. T presented with multiple old dental implants either fractured or failing, causing the old prosthesis to break. Due to his experiencing dental implant problems years later after his original treatment, his lower teeth had fractured and his bite was severely closed.
Treatment: In order to restore his mouth to complete function, we had to locate parts that would fit the old dental implants, extract the failed ones, and replace them with several new ones. We were able to restore him to complete function. He now travels to Florida in the winter with complete confidence.

Reconstruction after Failure of Several Implants
Situation: To treat this female patient from Bethesda, MD, due to her failing dental implants, it was necessary to reconstruct her jaw with dental crowns to create her smile makeover.
Treatment: Previously placed dental implants in her upper left jaw had failed, and with little available bone in that part of her upper jaw, she was not a candidate to receive other ones. Read her success story for more details about this amazing transformation!