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Smile Makeover with Dentition Reconstruction
Posted in Cosmetic Dentistry
Posted on January 14, 2020 by Dr. Gerald Marlin
Our patient from Bethesda, MD was referred by her Periodontist for us to reconstruct her jaw with crowns to create a smile makeover. Previously placed implants in her upper left jaw had failed, and with little available bone in that part of her upper jaw, she was not a candidate to receive other ones. She wanted to have a fixed splint replacing many teeth, which was a challenge. How were we to stabilize all of her upper teeth and make it appear natural?

Custom temporary crowns were fabricated to blend with her facial pattern and lip line. Pink acrylic was used to simulate her missing gingival (gum) tissue. An immediate smile makeover was created on the day she received the crowns as they were custom fitted to her tooth abutments.

The key to success with a case such as this that is missing a large number of teeth lays with hand-crafting a perfectly fitting underlying framework in our laboratory that is rock solid. A full-arch, milled framework such as this will not solidly fit. Finally, her porcelain crowns were hand-crafted (not milled from a software program) with internal coloration and using multiple translucent porcelains to blend with her complexion, and her gingiva was naturally simulated using pink porcelain. She is now prepared to undergo the next phase of treatment with lower anterior and left crowns.

Are you interested in a smile makeover? Schedule a consultation today at 202-244-2101. Elite Prosthetic Dentistry serves Bethesda, Arlington, and other nearby areas of Maryland and Virginia.

Through this commitment, Dr. Marlin provides his patients with long-lasting (35 years vs. the national average of 7-10 years) aesthetic restorations so that they have virtually no future problems.
As such, he is a leading specialist in dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, sedation dentistry , and restorative dentistry in the Bethesda–Chevy Chase, Northern Virginia, and Washington DC Metro Area. He has inserted and restored over 3,600 dental implants.