Repairing Teeth Grinding Damage Gallery - Washington, DC
Repairing Teeth Grinding
Damage Gallery

Repairing Teeth Grinding Damage Before After Gallery
Many of our patients struggle with teeth grinding, also known as bruxism. It’s a common condition that can cause significant dental issues and affect your overall oral health. Our patient before/after gallery showcases incredible transformations of actual patients of Drs Marlin & Talmazov who have undergone treatment for teeth grinding and achieved remarkable results.
If you’re suffering from teeth grinding and are looking for effective solutions, we invite you to explore our before-and-after photo gallery to witness the life-changing results of our patients. Don’t let teeth grinding take a toll on your dental health and well-being. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a brighter, healthier smile!

Severely worn dentition
Situation: Due to severely worn teeth, our patient was very hesitant to smile.
Treatment: This Periodontist, who has provided expert care to our patients for many years, was ready to replace his severely worn dentition with new crowns and recreate his smile.

Sarah had extensive wear of her teeth due to teeth grinding
Situation: Having extensive wear of her teeth, after years fo grinding her teeth, Sarah was very self-conscious about her smile.
Treatment: To initially address her severely worn down teeth, we provided Sarah with her new temporary dental crowns, custom made in in less time by our in-house lab. She had an immediate smile makeover and “couldn’t be happier with the outcome.” She feels“as if a huge weight has been lifted having addressed my dental issues related to her grinding her teeth, with such a professional and talented team.

Patient suffered from severely worn down teeth from years of teeth grinding
Situation: This patient suffered from severely worn down teeth from years of teeth grinding, that significantly impacted her smile line.
Treatment: Her smile line was restored to appear healthy and natural.