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Patient Was Dissatisfied With Her “Gummy” Smile
Posted in Success Stories
Posted on August 15, 2023 by Dr. Gerald Marlin

Excessive gingival tissue can significantly impact the appearance of a person’s smile and their self-confidence. When a patient came to Elite Prosthetic Dentistry, she was concerned about her “gummy smile”, or excessive gum tissue showing when she smiled.
Ultimately, the patient was dissatisfied with how she looked and wanted to improve her appearance by treating her gummy smile.
To help this patient create the softer, fuller, more feminine smile she wanted, Dr. Marlin altered her gum tissue to decrease the amount shown when smiling, which immediately improved her appearance. However, her crowns were also lengthened to show more of her beautiful teeth.
Upon completion of the treatment, the patient’s naturally attractive lip line was enhanced, and the patient was able to smile without worry, and her self-confidence was restored.

Through this commitment, Dr. Marlin provides his patients with long-lasting (35 years vs. the national average of 7-10 years) aesthetic restorations so that they have virtually no future problems.
As such, he is a leading specialist in dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, sedation dentistry , and restorative dentistry in the Bethesda–Chevy Chase, Northern Virginia, and Washington DC Metro Area. He has inserted and restored over 3,600 dental implants.