Dental Implant FAQ - Washington, DC

Frequently Asked Questions

dental office

Why Do We Place Dental Implants?

Whether you have missing teeth or teeth that are so severely decayed that they need to be removed for the sake of your greater dental health, we strongly recommend that you don’t leave gaps in your mouth. There are different kinds of replacement teeth available, from dentures  to dental implants. But what kind of replacement teeth should you get? All things considered, dental implants are the best choice currently available. Dental implants can last a long time—possibly a lifetime, with proper care—and they look, feel, and function just like natural teeth. They’re highly stable and appear so realistic that most people won’t even know you have them. As a general dentistry practice, we have training in a variety of dental treatments, including dental implants, here at Ekute Prosthetic Dentistry. To give you a fuller understanding of dental implants and their benefits, we’ve put together this list of frequently asked questions. We hope you’ll find it helpful!


Common Questions About Dental Implants

How do dental implants work?
Is getting dental implants painful?
an I get dental implants if I have limited bone mass in my jaw?
How much will my dental implants cost?
Do dental implants require special care?
Are dental implants really the best teeth replacement option?
How do I get started?