Dental Implant FAQ - Washington, DC

Dental Implant FAQ

full arch dental implant patient talking with treatment coordinator

Dental Implant FAQs

What Is The Success Rate Of Dental Implants?
Will I Have Pain With Dental Implants?
Can I Have Teeth In A Day With Implants?
How Many Implants Do I Need?
Will I Be Able To Have Additional Implants In The Future?
What Are Dental Implants?
How Long Do Implants Last?
Who Is A Good Candidate For Dental Implants In Washington DC?
What Are The Advantages Of Dental Implants?
What Are The Disadvantages Of Dental Implants?
Does The Dental Implant Procedure Hurt?
How Do You Care For Dental Implants?
Can My Body Reject A Dental Implant?
What Is The Success Rate Of Dental Implants?
Can A Denture Be Made Into A Fixed Prosthesis?
What Is An All-On-4® Dental Implant?
How Do Dental Implants Help If I Have Full Dentures Or Partial Dentures?
Are Dental Implants Safe?
How Long Does A Dental Implant Procedure Take?
How Soon After A Tooth Extraction Can You Have An Implant?
How Long Does It Take For Dental Implants To Heal?
How Much Pain Will I Be In After Implant Placement?
How Much Do Dental Implants Cost In Washington D.C.?

All-On-4® FAQs

Should I Save My Teeth Rather Than Having Them Extracted?
How Many Dental Implants Do I Need?
Can I Have Additional Dental Implants Placed In The Future?
Do I Need Bone Grafting For All On 4 Dental Implants?
Will I Be Able To Maintain Good Hygiene With My New Hybrid Prosthesis?
How Are Same Day Dental Implant Restorations (All-On-4®) Different From Dentures?
What Are The Benefits Of Same Day Dental Implant Restorations (All-On-4®)?
What Are The Disadvantages Of Same Day Dental Implant Restorations (All-On-4®)?
How Do Same Day Dental Implant Restorations (All-On-4®) Compare To Traditional Implants?
How Does The Same Day Dental Implant Restorations (All-On-4®) Procedure Work?
Is Bone Grafting Necessary For Same Day Dental Implant Restorations (All-On-4®)?
What Is The Cost Of Same Day Dental Implant Restorations (All-On-4®) In Washington DC, Bethesda And Chevy Chase MD, And Arlington, VA?
What Is The Difference Between All-On-4® Vs All- On-6 Dental Implant Restorations?
How Long Does The Same Day Dental Implant Restorations (All-On-4®) Surgery Take?
What Is The Success Rate With Same Day Dental Implant Restorations (All-On-4®)?
Who Is The Ideal Candidate For Same Day Dental Implant Restorations (All-On-4®) In Washington DC, Chevy Chase MD, Arlington And McLean VA Area?
Will My Results Look Natural?
Why Don’t All Dentists In Washington DC, Bethesda And Chevy Chase MD, And Arlington, VA Offer The All-On-4 Implant Procedure?
Why Don't I Get My Permanent Set Of Teeth The Day My Implants Are Placed?
What If I Just Need Implants On My Bottom Arch? What If I Someday Need All-On-4® Dental Implants On Both Arches?
How Should The Appliance Be Designed For The Best Home Care?
What Type Of Cleaning Is Required After An Implant Is Placed?
How Long Is The Recovery Period From All On 4® Dental Implant Restorations?

Cosmetic Dentistry FAQs

What Is Cosmetic Dentistry?
I Don’t Feel Confident About My Smile. What Can I Do?
Is An Attractive Smile Affordable?
What Are Porcelain Veneers?
How Have Technological Advancements Helped Cosmetic Dentistry?
What Are The Benefits Of An In-House Lab?
How Can You Treat A “Gummy” Smile?
Should I Get Braces To Straighten My Teeth, Or Get Veneers?

Dental Crown FAQs

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?
How Do I Prolong The Longevity Of Dental Crowns?
What Are The Advantages Of An On-Site Dental Lab?
How Much Do Dental Crowns Cost?
What Happens When A Dental Crown Is Designed Incorrectly?
What Exactly Is A Dental Crown?
In What Situations Are Dental Crowns Needed?
Does A Crowned Tooth Require Special Care?
What Can I Expect During My Visit To Receive Dental Crowns?
What Is A Post?
Is There An Alternative To A Dental Crown?
Will My Dental Crown Be Noticeable?

TMJ Treatment FAQs

What Is TMJ?
What Is TMD?
What Are The Symptoms Of TMD?
What Causes TMD?
Is TMD Responsible For My Headaches?
Will TMD Treatment Stop My Headaches And/Or The Ringing In My Ears?
Do Popping Jaw Joints Mean I Have TMD?
How Is TMD Diagnosed?
Are There Home Remedies For TMD?
Are There Exercises That Can Help Relieve TMD Pain?
Does TMD Require Surgery?
How Long Do I Have To Wear My TMD Bite Splint For?
Why Do Some Dentists Condone Neuromuscular Dentistry While Others Don’t?
Does Dental Insurance Cover TMD?
After Completing TMJ Treatment, Can TMD Return?
What Preventative Measures Can Be Taken To Lower The Risk Of TMD?
Can Orthodontic Patients Wearing Braces Receive TMD Treatment?
Can A Snore Guard Or Sleep Apnea Splint Double As A Bite Splint For TMD?
Can Children Be Diagnosed With TMD?
Can Dentures Lead To TMD?

Gummy Smile FAQs

What Is Gum Contouring and Reshaping?
Who is a Good Candidate for Gum Contouring and Reshaping?
What Conditions Can Gum Contouring and Reshaping Treat?
What are the Benefits of Gum Contouring and Reshaping?
What are the Risks of Gum Contouring and Reshaping?
How Is Gum Contouring and Reshaping Done?

Sedation Dentistry FAQs

What Is Sedation Dentistry?
Who Is A Good Candidate For Sedation Dentistry?
Do Many Of Your Dental Implant Patients Have Oral Or IV Sedation?
Will Dental Sedation Also Relieve Pain?
Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?
What Types Of Sedation Do You Offer At Your Washington DC Dental Practice?
How Long Will I Be Sedated?
Are You Asleep During I.V. Sedation Dentistry?
What Should I Do Before Dental Sedation?
Will I Remember Anything About My Treatment?
How Do I Know If A Dentist Is Trained In Sedation Dentistry?
Are There Side Effects Related To Sedation Dentistry?
What Should I Do After I Have Been Sedated For My Dental Treatment?
Can I Drink Water Before Sedation Dentistry?
How Long After Dental Sedation Can I Eat Or Drink?
What Does Sedation Dentistry Cost In Washington DC Area?

Dental Health FAQs

How Does My Dental Health Impact My Medical Health?
How Safe Are Dental X-Rays?
How Do You Help Patients Who Avoid Going To The Dentist Due To Fear Or Pain?
How Do You Assist Patients With Dental Anxiety?
How Does Acid Reflux Affect My Dental Health?
Why Do I Have Bad Breath?
What Do I Need To Tell My Dentist About My Medications?
How Do Intravenous IV Bisphosphanates Affect My Dental Health?
I Grind And Clench My Teeth. What Should I Do?
Are Dental Amalgams (Silver Fillings) Safe?
What Are The Advantages Of Tooth-Colored Restorations Over Amalgams?

Additional Dental FAQs

Do I need a referral to schedule an appointment?
What is the difference between a DDS and a DMD?
Is tooth whitening for everyone?
My teeth are sensitive after tooth whitening.
Is tooth loss a natural part of aging?
What is the success rate of dental implants?
Am I too old for dental implants?
Will I have pain with dental implants?
Can I have Teeth in a Day with implants?
Will smoking cause my implants to fail?
How does my dental health impact my medical health?
How safe are dental X-rays?
How do you help patients who avoid going to the dentist due to fear or pain?
What is the process?
How long will my crowns last?
How does Acid Reflux affect my dental health?
Why do I have bad breath?
What do I need to tell my dentist about my medications?
How do intravenous IV Bisphosphanates affect my dental health?
I grind and clench my teeth. What should I do?
Are dental amalgams (silver fillings) safe?
Have you heard of Celiac Disease?